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Advanced Thermography vs
Thermography...what's the difference?
Thermography shows color and thermal imaging. Advanced Thermography is black and white and shows vascularization
Unlike basic thermography or mammograms, advanced thermography takes a proactive and preventative approach by identifying risks before cancer manifests, allowing individuals to objectively monitor their risk over time and make informed changes to reduce the likelihood of developing cancer.
Additionally, advanced thermography looks for signs of developing blood supply and risk factors contributing to inflammation, providing early detection opportunities. It can identify vascular formations associated with cancer development, even at smaller sizes not visible on mammograms.
Furthermore, our advanced thermography offers unique features such as Hormonal Grades, which assess estrogen stimulation in the breasts.
Overall, advanced thermography empowers individuals to take control of their health, offers a non-invasive and radiation-free alternative to mammograms, and provides valuable insights for prevention and early diagnosis.
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